Provides SimpleConnect Class to connect to Simpleconnect Modules for Drupal7, Drupal 8, Drupal 9 and BackdropCMS
Goal is to provide a simple way to connect to different Drupal instances and Versions (one ring to rule them all!)
In ES5 ECMAScript 2009 you normaly have no Classes and no Promises, SimpleConnect overcomes this.
The Drupal Modules provide you with the same set of Endpoints for different Drupal Instances and Versions.
All Methods return Promises or SimpleConnectException
SC = new SimpleConnect(host); //In ES5 you write: SC.token().then( function(token){ alert(token); },function(error){ alert(error); }); //In ES6 you write: SC.token().then(token=>{ alert(token); },error=>{ alert(error); });
Click here to test the ECMA2009 compatible Javascript Class
SimpleConnect ES5(ECMAScript 2009)
Click here to test the ECMA2015 compatible Javascript Class
SimpleConnect ES6(ECMAScript 2015)
Click here to checkout the SimpleConnect Node Module on Github
SimpleConnect Node Module on Github
Do not use these modules for production mode since they provide no flood protection!!!Dependencies: ctools,services,libraries
Dependencies: ctools,services,libraries
Click here to download SimpleConnect for Drupal8Dependencies: restui,rest,serialization
Dependencies: restui,rest,serialization
Dependencies: SimpleJWTLogin